Sunday, March 6, 2011

I am terrible at this blogging thing! Lots of updates for you all.

I arrived in Greece on a Friday afternoon, had the weekend to settle in and was planning getting work stuff underway Monday. Conveniently, Monday morning Athens began protests! The unions started striking and transportation and most businesses shut down. I took the week and traveled around Greece hoping things would settle down and the protests would just blow over. The reform in Egypt started a new mentality here. Currently non-EU citizens are not allowed to obtain employment in Greece as they work out their situation. The position I came for has been closed with no re-open date.

So........ I have been spending the last month or so traveling. I have been across Greece, up Italy and am currently in Barcelona making my way to Madrid where I have a flight home next week. I am a little disappointed this opportunity didn't pan out but am really happy with all the traveling I have been able to do. I have been able to see and do things I only dreamed of doing. So I will be returning home next week and will take it from there. Thanks for checking in! I am looking forward to seeing everyone hopefully soon, my bed and a hot bath :)

xoxo Margaret

Monday, February 14, 2011

I made it!

Hello! After spending a few days in DC with my friend Nikki, I flew to Copenhagen and finally into Greece. The flight was long but went well. I got a window seat and the two seats next to me were empty :) I was really surprised by how much alcohol you get on the flight, they gave you two drinks before the meal, a BOTTLE of wine with the meal and a night cap. No, I did not take it all for fear of not being able to walk off the plane.
I made it to Athens friday afternoon and successfully made the trek to my hostel! I was roomed with three girls from Seattle who are studying in Rome and here, in Athens, for the weekend. They were really nice and invited me to dinner with them and I ended up spending the entire weekend with them and a few others in their group. I may be heading to Rome this weekend to visit.

On Saturday we went to the Acropolis and the Acropolis Museum in the morning and attempted to get to the beach at night. We did make the beach but after sunset. Sunday morning my roommates left so I have been wandering the city by myself for the past couple days. There will be more pictures to follow but my camera battery is dead.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What comes before Part B? PART-A

Susie and Barbie threw me a great going away party this last weekend! It was so fun and so nice to see some family and friends all together before I go. So a thank you to Susie and Barbie and everyone who made it! I'll try to post some more pictures but the only few I have are from Laura's Facebook (thanks Laura!).